
Recipes from the bewitched kitchen

Drowned green beans

This recipe was completely made up by me. I found out that my husband loves green beans while I actually don’t like them (had too many of them as a small child I think). So what do you do? You ensure that the taste of the green beans fades into the background by hiding/drowning them in the satay sauce.

My sons then gave it the name drowned green beans, a name that I actually find very appropriate.


500 grams of fresh beans

1 pack of smoked bacon cubes

1 box of mushrooms

A few potatoes

6 slices of puff pastry

Satay sauce (you can also make this yourself)


Turn your oven on to 180C (I have a fan oven).

Remove the beans, peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Prepare the mushrooms and cut them into pieces (not too small because they still shrink).

Let the puff pastry slices thaw.

Blanch the beans, boil the potatoes briefly and rinse everything under cold water under the tap. Fry the bacon and fry the mushrooms in the same fat. Toss everything together in an oven dish.

Prepare the satay sauce. Make sure it is quite watery because it will thicken further in the oven. Stir the satay sauce into the vegetable mixture in the baking dish. And make a nice roof from the puff pastry. Make sure there are holes in the lid so that moisture can escape.

Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for 20 minutes until the crust is nicely browned and done.

Be careful because it is very hot straight out of the oven.

Enjoy your meal

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